Feeling Plasticky
"Hi, I don't get it.... "
"Would you like to apply for the Ladies card?... the men don't get it!"
And to sweeten the deal, he handed me a long stalked red red rose ;)
Okok, as lame as it sounds but I was pretty impressed. It was brilliant eh, definitely beats going around handing out pamphlets ala the usual ways. I salute the advertising and marketing folks who came up with that concept! It was bloody brilliant, i say!
And till this day, I am still holding on to that card and I doubt I'll ever give it up (unless they decide to charge me annual fees, that is.)
So the Men don't get it, going back to the crux of my blogging vent today.
Yes girls can be over-emotional and sensitive at times, but seriously it baffles me how duff men can be?! They call us sensitive but I say our sensitivities arise from their lack of that! They call us emotional but I figure its because they are too insensitive to deal with our emotions. So the easiest way out is to brush us off as being over-emotional.
(I pause to digress. I have no idea what I just sprouted)
You know its very intriguing how women can get all ga-ga over flowers, especially when they come in huge bouquets! Someone at the workplace today receive TWO bouquets of roses and man, she was literally floating in utter bliss as she strolled back to her desk after collecting them from reception. I think it was her birthday or something. Some girls looked on in admiration.
Then, sitting on the next partion away from me is this colleague with two bouquets of dried red roses which sits triumphantly on her desk. Its like a trophy to shout out to the world, hey I have bouquets and this means someone loves / admires / likes me enough to buy them for me.
Yes yes yes the practical me thinks bouquets are a waste of moolah and they don't stay pretty long enough (unless you dry them on day 2).. I will never never openly express my need for them cause I don't think they are a necessity really... BUT still I think it will be, maybe nice to receive them once in a while. The men simply don't get it, how a bouquet of flower or even a mere stalk of flower can bring instant cheer to the womanfolk, not all of course.
The men simply don't get it, lah. Period.
But you know what, perhaps I shall go buy myself a stalk to flower tomorrow just to cheer myself up.
Afterall, I am a young independent woman of the 21st Century. If the men don't get it, I'll get it myself! ;)