C'est la vie: I love surprises and answering questions :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I love surprises and answering questions :)

So I was dragging my tired body home at 2.30am moments ago. I turned the knob as quietly as I could and shut the gate as gently as I could.

Kicked off my shoes and saw this on the side table near the shoe cabinet! :D

A parcel for me! From Ren!

I ripped the package open and a cute Happy House Piggy wiggled at me.

And I opened it and I was horrified to see Hello Kitty Stickers all over! Haha.. Ooh and a pouch with something inside...

So gorgeous! I love it! :) Yet another pretty earrings from ren xiaojie!

Thanks girl! Hugs.


Tagged by Ren

seven things that scare me
1-creepy crawlies especially flying cockroaches
5-being betrayed by people whom you thought you can trust
6-seeing a loved one suffer but not being able to help
7-being penniless

seven things i like the most
2-Watching cartoons
3-Ice cream
4-Spending time with Kooki
5-Going for holidays
6-Shopping at flea markets

seven important things in my room
1-My Toshi Laptop
3-My bed
6-The door which I shut close when I want to be alone
7-My dresser

seven random facts about me
1-I can't drive a manual car
2-I'm a very soft hearted person
3-I sleep on the left side but wake up on the right
4-I hate almond jelly
5-I'm 1.65m tall and weigh 47kg
6-I take a while to warm up to people
7-I miss Jackie

seven things i plan to do before i die
1-See the world
2-Get married and have kids
3-Volunteer or go on mission trip
4-Master French
5-Figure out how to cook the best Tom Yum Goong
6-Tell everyone that matters to me how much they mean to me
7-Be as successful as I can in the work arena

seven things i can't do
1-Drive a manual car
2-Being cruel to animals
3-Put on weight
4-Say "I don't care" and really meaning it
5-Play office politics
6-Speak French fluently
7-Bend and touch my toes (I'm so inflexible)

seven people who will have to do (if they want, I guess)


Eeps! Its 4.30am already! I better go sleep. Meeting Fang for the PC show tomorrow!! :) I got a stinky feeling I'm going to come back with something.. a mp3 player perhaps? :D

Good night, or rather good morning! :)


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