C'est la vie: Without Jones

Monday, September 19, 2005

Without Jones

My weekend was an exciting but photo-less one without my baby Jones. How could I forget to pack him into my bag?

-I was on leave!!
-Saw my chiropractor for a session before she flew off to Italy that very evening for 10 days.
-Went to get a hair cut and do hair treatment
-Bought a box of double yolk moon cake for his folks at Tangs, why are they so expensive??
-Trotted to Taka to check out the bags collection, my colleagues are planning a farewell gift for me in the form of a gift voucher and they wanted me to tell them which shopping mall vouchers I'll like
-Met him for dinner at Waraku again, I had the same hotake cheese mayonaise again :D
-We went TV, furniture browsing & grocery shopping at Meidi-Ya at Liang Court.. I love love that supermarket with all its Japanese snacks and whatnots!

We went to the Apple Store at Wheelock Place, intending to buy the Sennheiser headphones, the ones that come with the Ipod aren't great when commuting and at the rate I cranked up the volume, I'm going to go half deaf in no time.

They didn't have the stocks I wanted so I had to order them online..

Heh, I hope the new toy comes soon! A bit tak-glam looking but who cares? I like my music clear especially during the morning traffic on the Mrt.

Did I mention my new job which commences on 26th Sept will have been starting at 8.30am?? That means being on the road as early as 7ish!!

中秋节快乐! Yummy yummy mooncakes.

There are still some snowskin green tea flavoured ones in the freezer, yay :D


Blogger fang said...

aren't those headphones bulky? anyway, how's the ipod working out?? And I haven't got mine yet!!!

September 19, 2005 8:38 am  
Blogger Shazza said...

The ones i got are not the overly-bulky ones.

You still contemplating between Nano and the 20G one ar?


September 19, 2005 11:04 pm  
Blogger fang said...

Haha .. since I am not travelling for the time being, there is no rush for me to go buy the ipod lah. The $$ could be used for my CDs and books, right?? ;o)

September 20, 2005 10:14 am  
Blogger Shazza said...

ya no rush. take your time loh.

and eh! you need to buy more CDs and Books meh??


September 20, 2005 10:57 pm  

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