C'est la vie: Reality shows

Friday, July 09, 2004

Reality shows

My eyes are all goggled out from all the TV. Was flipping channels between channel 8 and channel 5. Found "The Apprentice" particularly entertaining. This is reality show at its best. I have nothing against reality shows about matchmaking, think "The Bachelor"; "Joe Millionaire" and our local production "Eye for a guy". I think they are great programs BUT too much of the same thing can be rather yawn-inducing and PREDICTABLE.

The Apprentice shows glimpses of the real corporate world - where one is required to work professionally with the team mates keeping personal grievances chucked aside. Its all about working towards attaining a work goal. Work is work afterall isn't it. (And here's where the big but comes) BUT the mud-slinging and blame shifting are so evident. People want respect but can't accept the fact that it needs to be earned; they expect to ride on others' coattails without real effot; and they would not hesitate to put others down so as to elevate themselves.

In the famous words of Mediacorp artistes Zoe Tay and Fann Wong eons ago (don't ask how come I can still remember) "We are colleagues, not friends". That encapsulates the whole essence of the working environment. Whilst it can be true and great if one finds friendship in the work arena, yet personal experiences have led me to believe otherwise. I do not warm up easily to people at work and I kept a certain distance from them. I do share certain things about my life, but never the personal details you would share with your mates. What do you think?


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