C'est la vie: Roman Holiday

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Roman Holiday

I just finished watching Roman Holiday on vcd. It was an interesting show. Audrey Hepburn is undoubtedly the epitome of grace, polish, elegance and class. She's gorgeous beyond words.. gorgeous with a capital G.

The ending was unexpected. And like what grrace said, it was un-hollywood fashion which leaves you poignant. I kinda like the ending too though I would have loved a happy ending ala fairytale style.

On a different note, Rome is lovely. Though the film was in black and white, I can already imagine myself sitting by the side-walk cafe sipping a cuppa latte or champagne Princess Ann's style; eating gelati and walking down & up the steps of great fascinating architectural buildings; smelling the flowers; people watching and snapping heaps of photos of the surroundings & scenery. How lovely would that be.


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