C'est la vie: The affair with shoes

Thursday, July 22, 2004

The affair with shoes

I struggled out of bed this morning, feeling totally lerthagic and not wanting to go to work. Then again, being the responsible employee I am (..lol..), I dragged my lazy bones out of my comfy bed, whinning and grunting much to my mum's amusement.

After the oh-so-nice shower (which makes me feel like plunging in to bed again), it was the moment of truth, the break or make decision.... what to wear? I have nothing to wear!!  Anyway, I turned on the radio and was happily humming to the song being played, and realised that I am running late! drats. bLAH. okok, so i need to decide quick what to wear. Picked the black suit (how wrong can you go with that?), matched it with a green top, shoved all my belongings to my faithful pierre cardin bag, put on my pretty charm bracelet & earrings. Slapped some leave-in hair moisturising cream on my hair, did a 5 mins quick make up and ran out of my room literally.

At the shoe wardrobe by the door, I am spoilt for choices. Should I go for my faithful comfy slip-ons or my oh-so-classy pointy heels? Decision, decisions.. how many decisions must a girl make before she can get ready for work?!! Tsk. Ok doks, the pointy heels it shall be. The slip-ons, though comfortable doesn't seem to complement my outfit for the day.

Its amazing how shoes and the right accessories can make you feel like a million dollars. :))))) I felt like a SUPER woman today! Haha! Its the power suit I tell ya. I am woman, I am powwwweeeeerrrrr...

P/s : Because I was so dilly dally this morning, I was 5 mins late for work. Good things its dress-down FRIDAY tomorrow! Yay!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i LURBES power suits.
especially MANGO powersuits.

July 23, 2004 4:50 pm  

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