C'est la vie: Wedding bells-blue

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wedding bells-blue

Just got home from yet another wedding dinner. Yet. Argh

Don't get me wrong on the 'argh', I'm truly happy for the newly wed couple smothered in bliss and glee. But I am tired of getting asked a gazillion time when my turn's coming.

And it doesn't help that my younger cousin and younger sister are getting married this April and May respectively. Read younger.

Yes I know my biological clock is ticking and I'm not exactly fabulously young anymore. But hey am I that old and wrinkled that I need to get off the shelf soon??

And besides, getting married isn't the one way of life for a woman these days. Do we really need to be a Mrs to be socially acceptable? I didn't go to school for years of formal education to learn that my birth right is to find a husband and be happily contended because of my marriage.

No I'm not boycotting marriage and weddings and all the ra ra, but I'll know when I'm ready and willing to take the plunge.. i don't need the whole world of busy bodies to nag and hassle me.

Bugger off, won't you..


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