C'est la vie: It was an ohm moment

Sunday, November 19, 2006

It was an ohm moment

I had every single muscle in my abs stretched today at Yoga. It was achingly satisfying and I had my adrenalin rush at the dance class thereafter. It was some kind of fusion dance with modern steps and lots of indian steps!

I was perspiring buckets but it was a jolly good feeling! :)

And whilst waiting for the bf to pick me up from class, I saw a Dad figure dropping his daughter at the drop off point. This little girly was obviously going for her yoga class. There was no kissing goodbye or hugs but as the little one made her way up the long escalator, the Dad got off his car and stood outside to ensure she got in safe and sound. The little one caught the Dad looking at her with smiley face and waved back with much enthusiasm. Only when the little girl was out of sight, did the Dad made his way back to the car and drove off.

I witnessed the whole 2 - 3 mins episode and it somewhat warmed my heart. I could feel the Dad's love for his little princess and I am sure the little one knew that her Daddy will always be there for her and to watch over her.

Maybe its the maternal instints kicking in... it got me thinking how I would want my future kids' dad to show that much love and concern. And such expression should not only be manifested in material things. A simple reassurance that he'll always be there for there will mean lots more.


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