C'est la vie: 26 already!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

26 already!

Gosh, sure didn't feel very far away from this. Has it been a year already?

Waking up in the morning as a birthday girl sure felt a tad strange, in a nice way of course.

Getting outta bed didn't seem to be too much of a chore and the morning sun seemed to shine a little brighter as though to wish me a happy birthday! ;)

Work felt like a breeze and everyone's face seemed to be lit up with a smile (or so I reckoned) and my mobile phone was buzzing non-stop with birthday greetings! Even my mates from Australia remember, and that was a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

Lunch was a blast with colleagues at Pizza Hut!

And I had a lovely surprise awaiting me when I got back from lunch. I had a birthday card and a present lying on my table! Wow! It was a stuffed schnaunzer toy; and is now sitting comfortably on my workstation, next to Nana's photo.

Little did I know.. but I had more surprises awaiting me!

At 4pm, I received a call from the receptionist wishing me happy birthday and asking me to come pick something up from her. When I got there, she was holding a huge bouquet of flowers and reading my card (kaypo woman I swear) and going all oohh-ga-ga over them.

After she's finally done with it (sigh), she handed them over to me and when I saw the card, I was stupified for a moment cause it reads: "Dear Sharon, Happy Birthday. Love, Nana and YingYing"

Turns out, sneaky boy of a bf decided to spring that surprise on me!! :D

These are the wonderful people who has made my 26th birthday a truly memorable one!
(didn't get a photo with Leroy who had to leave early, acks)

The guy in the 3rd photo is Jac's beau who shall remain mysterious! :)


Blogger Shazza said...

Thanks Joan! :)

Yeah that's Jason the bozzo. The two girls in the photos are Angela and Pamela; no Jacqueline.

Hmm unless you meant Jaclyn, in the photo with the 'mysterious' bf?

March 06, 2006 9:30 pm  

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