C'est la vie: Some mindless stuff

Friday, January 28, 2005

Some mindless stuff

Feeling quite good at the moment. I did some good studying just now and pigged out on rocher chocolates, chilli-sugar cuttlefish and seedless grapes, all washed down with a nice glass of peach juice :D

I can't wait to see sweetie tomorrow. Missed him big time today.
He's so funny. He calls me his "weekday one-hour gf". You see, he works the normal 9-6pm hours and I work 6-3am. We tried to spend time with each other by meeting up for dinner. I could never wake up early to meet him for lunch. Hence, the one hour dinner. One hour gf.

Silly kooki :) My kooki monster :D

Oh .. found some random pictures I took a while back. I think I was bored then. Heh.

The LRT station and the bus interchange - How would I get around without them? Since we moved to the new place, I hardly take the MRT any more. The LRTs served me just fine and I prefer the buses to trains anyday.

Looking out the bus windows and checking cars out there are my little daily treats. And I like the bus seats better! Because they are cushioned whilst the train seats aren't!

And trains are just too depressing for my liking, especially when they go underground. A little claustrophoic I am each time I am on a congested train. Eeks, Je deteste ca!


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