C'est la vie: Feeling lost today

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Feeling lost today

I was such a bobo today - left the house without my handphone. I was feeling quite handicapped without it the whole day, and I kept checking my message bank to see if anyone left me any voice messages.

Eh rather sad.. number of voice messages = zilch ; number of sms = two; number of missed calls = 2.

Actually in all honesty, the cell phone is not quite a necessity. I have access to the phone at work. My family know where to get me if its really urgent.

But that being said, I cannot imagine another day without my oh-so-precious handphone :D

Something totally way off the tangent - Some guy from work today (from another department) asked me about meeting up for lunch/dinner. We met during some training session last month, and at the dinner and dance last saturday... heh.


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