C'est la vie: April 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Le mot que Je detest


Monday, April 16, 2007

Killed by Powerpoint

I am off to HK next week for work and getting the materials ready for presentation was more time consuming than I thought.

I spent the whole afternoon doing up 2 powerpoint slides and I'm going to vomit if I have to do up another soon.

Am excited about next week cause its my first time in HK and oooh I'm going to attack the egg tarts and mango dessert. Yums!

Ok dinner is served now. laters! :)

Am surprisingly feeling accomplished now. Heh

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Feeling vexed

Its like a demon that never goes away no matter how you try to will it away.. Its just there.. always lurking around waiting for moment to pounce on me. And these days, the attacks are more frequent and I feel all battered and worn out.

Have I ever mentioned how freaking tired I am with all these mind boggling issues that have been bugging me for the past one year?

How and why has it turned out such way? Beats me.

Sometimes I just wish they will just vanish away and let me have a good peace of mind. I am just fatigued from all the 'Be rational', 'It may not be that bad', 'Spare a thought', 'Things could be ok', 'It may not be that bad' buzzing in my head.

I fear for my sanity :(

Friday, April 13, 2007


Sometimes I wonder why I bother putting in 100% at work when people I work with are totally relaxed with no sense of urgency.

I don't like to dilly dally at work. If works needs to be done, I like get it done quick and out of the way. It doesn't miraculously go away if you let it stew in your intray/inbox.

Yes I know its important to keep the spirits all livened up at work but when you have stuff to do, stop being an idiot, ignore those work and keep ranting on about how you are trying to 苦中做乐. In the first place, where is the 苦 if you are choosing to be oblivious to them? And while you are 做乐-ing if you so believe is well deserving, please keep your volume down as there are people who needs to concentrate on their work, or be on calls for work discussion. My counterparties over at the other end of the line don't need to know what you ate for lunch, how much money you spent for shopping and which guy you are going out with after work.

And if I ask you to do something, its not because I am pitting against you. Yes you may not like it, but I am after all your senior and there's nothing personal, its just work that needs to be done. This art of delegation ( so so not a form of 太极) is not as easy as you fathom, cause its my head (and not yours) on the chopping board at the end of the day and I am putting my faith and trust in you to work with me to deliver.

And credits do not come to me alone when its a job well done. and you know that jolly well.

You don't need to butter up to me cos I hate being buttered. A good piece of work will be much sweeter and smoother.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wedding bells-blue

Just got home from yet another wedding dinner. Yet. Argh

Don't get me wrong on the 'argh', I'm truly happy for the newly wed couple smothered in bliss and glee. But I am tired of getting asked a gazillion time when my turn's coming.

And it doesn't help that my younger cousin and younger sister are getting married this April and May respectively. Read younger.

Yes I know my biological clock is ticking and I'm not exactly fabulously young anymore. But hey am I that old and wrinkled that I need to get off the shelf soon??

And besides, getting married isn't the one way of life for a woman these days. Do we really need to be a Mrs to be socially acceptable? I didn't go to school for years of formal education to learn that my birth right is to find a husband and be happily contended because of my marriage.

No I'm not boycotting marriage and weddings and all the ra ra, but I'll know when I'm ready and willing to take the plunge.. i don't need the whole world of busy bodies to nag and hassle me.

Bugger off, won't you..