C'est la vie: August 2005

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Its a mad world

It was back to work yesterday for me and it was a terrible day. Honestly, I don't know which is harder. To tender a resignation or having to survive through the notice period of 1 month.

Then again, these two are rather complimentary aren't they? The latter is a result of the former. What I cannot appreciate is the cold shoulders and negative vibes radiated from the AM and the manager. Is there really a need to ostracise and make the leaver feel so unwanted and unforgivable? Have I committed the unforgivable and deadly crime? Have I been reduced to a "traitor" as what they labelled the guy who left previously after pocketing the variable bonus in February?

There were people who were supportive of my move to a new position. Thank God for people like them.They showered me with encouraging notes and told me that its great that I am finally venturing out to greater challenges as they could not see me remain in the current stagnant and dead-end job. "Good for you, bad for us.. you are the best we have here", a colleague told me and I was genuinely touched. It was not an easy decision to leave but if not now, then when? Opportunity don't knock at your door all year long..

I had dinner with two close colleagues and we were talking about work and the people at work. Amazing how much things could happen in my 8 days of absence away. Found out not-so-nice things about the AM and her management style, which cemented my desire to leave despite the persuasion by my manager's boss to reconsider. A change of job scope to a new section and pay adjustment were the carrots dangling if I choose to take back my letter. "You are a talent, and it would be a waste to see you go.. " He had said. Its not something new to my ears. I've heard it many times but what discourages me most is I simply cannot visualise the career development and I am disappointed with the management style in my current section.

On a different note, I'm bemused that some people from the other side of the business knew about my resignation. How on earth did news travel that fast? And these are people that I have not even spoken to in my whole life. Do they gather the news from my blog? Afterall, this is a public blog and anyone on the internet world is free to view this. Its a free world afterall.

I'm nursing a bad headache now and I'm dreading to go to work.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Phuket Fantasea!

What can I say?

The trip was simply awesome and truly enjoyable! :)

We had such a great time - the Thai people are lovely and friendly. The food was delicious and the shopping was fabulous! :)

Check out the photos we snapped happily away in our 4 days in Phuket!

We didn't take any at the Phuket Fantasea theme resort though, what a pity. We would have to deposit the camera before going in to see the show and I didn't feel quite safe with it as the camera was borrowed from J.

Ok, enjoy the photos! :) And go to Phuket if you are planning a short trip. Email me at super fudge brownie(at)hotmail.com if you need any information!

Sawaa-dii khap!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I am back!

The trip was fun and really enjoyable! I took lots of photos - will post them up soon.

For now, I'm gonna get some rest! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


We are going to Phuket tomorrow!!! :)

Blog more when I come back with pictures and all!

Office dares

This is hilarious!


1) Run one lap around the office at top speed.
2) Ignore the first five people who say 'good morning' to you.
3) Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say, "Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye."
4) To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.
5) Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way."
6) Walk sideways to the photocopier.
7) While riding in an elevator, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.

1) Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with double-barreled fingers.
2) Babble incoherently at a fellow employee, and then ask, "Did you get all that, I don't want to have to repeat it."
3) Page yourself over the intercom (do not disguise your voice).
4) Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle (there must be a 'non-player' within sight).
5) Shout random numbers while someone is counting.

1) At the end of a meeting, suggest that, for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem (5 extra points if you actually launch into it yourself).
2) Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch on/off 10 times.
3) For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as "Bob."
4) Announce to everyone in a meeting that you "really have to go do a number two."
5) After every sentence, say 'Mon' in a really bad Jamaican accent. As in "The report's on your desk, Mon." Keep this up for 1 hour.
6) While an office mate is out, move their chair into the elevator.
7) In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, all of you just shut up!"
8) At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce, "As God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again."
9) In a colleague's DAY PLANNER, write in the 10am slot: "See how I look in tights."(5 Extra points if it is a male, 5 more if he is your boss)
10) Carry your keyboard over to your colleague and ask, "You wanna trade?"
11) Repeat the following conversation 10 times to the same person: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."
12) Posing as a maitre d', call a colleague and tell him he's won a lunch for four at a local restaurant. Let him go.
13) Speak with an accent (French, German, Porky Pig, etc) during a very important conference call.
14) Find the vacuum and start vacuuming around your desk.
15) Hang a 2' long piece of toilet roll from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised when someone points it out.
17) Present meeting attendees with a cup of coffee and biscuits, smashing each biscuit with your fist.
18) During the course of a meeting, slowly edge your chair towards the door.
19) Arrange toy figures on the table to represent each meeting attendee, move them according to the movements of their real-life counterparts.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Job updates - deux

Feeling mixed emotions aplenty at the moment. Excitement and joy with a tinge of uncertaintly and guilt.

Well, I signed the new job offer and tendered my resignation at the current workplace all in today.


Mad rush today (pretty mundane stuff below but I wanted to document it down somewhere)

-Signed the offer day, was passed a stack of forms to fill up at home and to return next week.
-Found out work starts at 8.30AM!!

-Went to the money changer to get some Thai Baht for Phuket Trip

-Went to set up a new bank account for the new job. This is where payroll goes to
-Bumped into an old friend at the bank who happened to be a financial consultant there

-Tendered my resignation to my current manager
-She was shocked and disappointed that I chose to leave

-Met up with Jason for a short while, intending to borrow his digicam for the trip
-Silly goose forgot to bring the cable and stuff.

-Chiropratic session with Tamara who commented that my back's getting better!

-Walked half the Orchard Road to borders to get a travel guide/map for phuket

Lots of walking today and my poor ankles are hurting bad now. Got to start packing for the trip soon.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Job updates

I got the job!

So that ending remark wasn't a bad one! :)

I am pretty satisfied with the compensation package. It was what I asked for and I couldn't be more thankful. After getting off the phone with the HR lady, I've been tapping my calculator and working out the sums. Well, yes the package is going to be less than what I would be getting at my current job if I stay on (basic + shift allowance); but the joys of not having to work odd hours! That being said, I am not naive enough to think that I wouldn't have to put in the extra hours if the workload calls for it. But still!!

Try rotating between 5pm-2am; 6pm-3am; 1-10pm shift on a monthly/ weekly basis for 2 years and you'll pretty much know how I feel. Eeks-y feeling.

So.. The new company was eager for me to start as quickly as I can and wanted me to sign the offer letter today! Rescheduled it to Monday afternoon instead. So though I'm on block leave, I'll have to tender my resignation on Monday.

I initially wanted to tender before signing the new contract of employment. But thankfully Fang pointed out it would be wiser to do the other way round. Toot! What was I thinking about? I guess I was harbouring the secret thought that my current boss will try to retain me and do a possible counter-offer; but I seriously doubt they will be able to match the new compensation package and put me on the normal 9-6 official working hours permanently.

So yeah I guess I will go sign the offer letter first, then tender.

I also finished typing out my resignation letter and it wasn't easy. I gave up trying to be original (anyway how original can you get with those letters anyway??) so I ended up doing a google search on "resignation letter". You'll be amazed at what you can find, resignation letter templates all ready laid out and just waiting for you to fill in the blanks "notice period"; "position", "name of current employer" etc etc.

So there, the letter is all typed copied and pasted out, and is just waiting to be printed and signed by yours truly.

I'm starving and I better go grab some lunch & study!

Thanks to everyone who have been keeping me in their thoughts and prayers on the job situation! But most importantly, all praises to God!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Si j'étais un mot français

If I am a French word, what would I be?

This is one of the Oral conversation test questions for this Saturday.

Hmm, what would I be?
What do you think? What is the one word comes to your mind when you think about me?

Ohkay- back to the grind again.

(And can I say how darn difficile those grammar and conjugations are. Don't believe? see this. )

*latest updates: Dom said "un sucons" jokingly. Lollipop! Hahaha!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Quand tout semble plus d'intéresser

1- Read Harry Potter
2- Study some French grammar and conjugaison
3- Watch a French VCD to get myself into the Frenchie mood

Checked and checked. All checked except for the reason why I am on leave this week. To study for a French paper this saturday afternoon à 230 après-midi.

Je suis une atermoyeur! Je suis paresseux... très très très.

This is French film I watched "A la folie, pas du tout" - c'est un bon film. If anyone would like to watch this, I'll be glad to lend you the VCD. It comes with English subtitles! :)

My eyes are popping out and I shall go take a quick nap before dinner.

plus tard!

Bad ole me

So.... I finished the whole Harry Potter book and didn't go to bed till 6am!

*interesting useless fact I acquired - Ron and I have the same birthday!! Haha

Eeks. Zilch studying done.

Ok time to go pack my room - the new chest drawer arrived this morning. Pack and tidy up, I must.

Then I must study. J'espere? Je dois!

On leave and feeling very happy!!

Oh the sweet joys of putting that out of office autoreply for my outlook at work..


Some news on the job front but I won't say much till the offer is finalised. But if you are dying to know, email me

Should I now....

1- Read Harry Potter
2- Study some French grammar and conjugaison
3- Watch a French VCD to get myself into the Frenchie mood

Decisions decisions.

Monday, August 15, 2005

2 vs 10

"2 more days!!"

"10 more days!!"

2 more days before I am officially on leave for 8 days!!! Woohooo!!

10 more days till we go Phuket. So exciting!! :)

In between? French exam on the coming Saturday. Study Study Study


My kiddo brother finished the Harry Potter in 24 hours and now the book's sitting on my side table.

Its calling me, got to run!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The 301st post

... by a very tired me

1- Have not completed my French homework, as usual. Looks like I have to wake up earlier tomorrow to finish them.

2- Durian party was cool! There were like 200+ durians to go around! There were also mangosteens and rambutans. Yummy yum.

3- I have the latest Harry Potter book sitting on my table. Borrowed it from a colleague cause I am too cheapo to go get it at the store.

Ok, can't resist the Z monster anymore.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Hmm, well?

I'm baffled.

You see - I went for my round 2 interview today. The session went well I reckon. There was interactive conversation, smiles and nodding. And certainly good vibes were abundant methinks.

Then at the end of the interview, she looked at me and said with a smilling face.

"I wish you all the best for your future, I'm sure it will be a bright one"

Huh?? What is that supposed to mean?



Durian party at work tomorrow!!!

Woohoo, its going to be at the rooftop where one can overlook the Esplanade.

How ironic. Eating durians while taking in the sights of the Durian Icon. Heh


Wow, this is my 300th post! Has it been so long?

To think I started this blog while watching the Euro2004?! Haha! :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Earn Less Spend Less"

I finally told my mum today that I am job-hunting at the moment, and if the right opportunity comes I will take up the offer.

Mum: "Why don't you stay on till you get your bonus next year before you switch?"

Well, yes I could but I really don't want to. I am honestly getting tired of the night hours and it doesn't help when the hours are going to switch to 6pm-3am when UK daylight savings kick in.

Silly to give up my bonus? Yes I know. And the night shift allowance is very attractive, its almost like getting 2 pay checks for doing one job basically! But disregarding the allowance, my basic salary is pathetic compared to my peers of the same years of working experience in the other rival companies. I know at least 2 who are getting 20% more than me.

Undeniably, I will definitely miss having the extra $$$ if I do leave. But since when is money everything and all that matters?

Money is important and I believe in saving & being careful with money. But I also subscribe to the fact that money cannot buy us everything. While it can satisfy my material wants, it doesn't fulfil me in other ways.

I may be $$$-rich but the flipside of the coin? I am time poor and I have no time & energy for other things that matter to me; like spending time with family and loved ones, pursuing my studies in French and just doing the things I like, as simple as watching prime time TV!

And doing the weird hours has certainly taken a toll on my health. I am a constant prey to common ailments like flu and sore throat, no matter how much vitamin C or water I take. My complexion is getting worse from the lack of quality sleep.

I think my mum summed it up nicely for me at the end of our short conversation, after she listened to me grumble about my work hours.

"Earn less, spend less loh"

Yah loh - earn less, continue to save, and spend less on frivolous stuff. Then again I don't spend that much on silly things. I figure if I can get a 20-30% payrise, I would be pretty comfortable with my current lifestyle even without the night shift allowance.

Keeping my fingers really crossed about the Thursday's interview...

We'll see where God leads.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy 40th Birthday Singapore!!

We are 40!

Mum was cool with me going to Phuket when I told her over lunch, so that means we are going ahead with our travel plans!

Yippee!! :)

Ok time to go get ready for work. No public holiday for me today. Sigh.

Aller ou non?

I'm back to the hideous shift at work. 5pm to 2am. Bleh.

And its going to be 6pm to 3am when daylight savings in UK start end Sept. Double bleh.

On a happier note, we're plannng a short getaway end Aug!! Woohoo!!

We are thinking of going to Phuket but I'll have to check with my mum and get her ok before we go ahead with the booking. Well, I am certainly old enough to go for holiday trips without my mum's prior consent but I wanted to see if she's comfortable with me going.

Now being the lunar year 7th month and with the Tsunami disaster last year, I'm a little worried that she may have reservations about me going over.

I certainly feel it is ok to go and I really wanna play a part in helping the Thai people to rebuild their economy. How else is their economy going to revive if tourists don't go back? And while I may not spend a ridiculous amount of money there, I'm sure those holiday money will play a part, albeit in small ways.

Hmm well we'll see what the mumsy say tomorrow.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Long day at work today with lots of fire fighting + insufficient rest = Burned out Shaz

I should really be putting in some time for French. Class tomorrow at 2.30pm and I have not done my homework! Je n'ai pas fait mes devoirs.

But I'm dead tired.

Go sleep Shaz. Wake up earlier tomorrow and finish up the work.

Night you guys.

Oh, going for round 2 interview next week. Continue to keep me in your prayers and send those happy vibes over to Shazzaland! :D

And p/s you can play with Jackie and feed him treats!

Friday, August 05, 2005

I miss Jackie

Its been over a year since he passed away and I still misses him a great deal.

I remembered cuddling him when I was down and how he always managed to cheer me up.. how his eyes twinkled when food was near and how nice he smelled after his shower.

He was not just a dog, but part of the family and one of us... a dearly missed one..

I miss you very much.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


(Found this mini essay I wrote months ago... Don't know grammatically correct it is though. I'm trying to get myself into the French mode now! :D )

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Sharon. Je suis née en 1980… le 1 Mars. J’ai été une bébé grossé!

Avec mes parents et mon frère, nous habitions dans un appartement à Holland Village de 1980 à 1995.

Quand J’étais petite, J’étais très méchante. Je tyrannisais toujours mon frère mais Je lui aimais beaucoup!

Tous les weekends, nous allions à la plage. On mangeait des glaces, on s’est baignés, on s’est amusés… c’était très mémorable!

Je voulais être avocate ou danseuse comme ma cousine. Elle s’appelait Annie et elle venait de gagner un concours de danse.

Mon premier jour d’école, J’étais triste et terrifiée parce que ma mère n’etait pas là-bas.

A l’école, J’étais une bonne étudiante et je jouais beaucoup de Squash. Je chantais à choeur aussi.

En 1999 après mon examen d’A levels, Je suis sortie pour L’Australie. Je l’étudiais pour trois ans et je suis retournée à Singapour en 2002.

Maintenant, Je travaille à Singapour et vis avec ma famille. Le weekend, Je vais à L’Alliance Française. Après la classe, J’ai rendezvous avec mon petit copain pour dîner.

C’est ma vie!


Sometimes my mum makes me feel so loved as if I am the happiest girl in the entire world.

Somestimes she drives me totally insane that I just wanna lock myself in my room away from her and her whatnots.

And the two "sometimes" happened moments ago, in a short span of 90 minutes since I stepped home from work.

Sigh. Very frustrating.

I wonder what kind of mother I will be, if I ever become one. Then again, is it true that we'll become a mirror image of what our mums were when we become mums ourselves??

Ok going to hit the French study materials now. I am quite brain dead but I have no time to lose!! :(

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Its been a while

Since I last bought a fashion magazine..

And I got one today. Was at the 7-11 getting some candy and my eyes swept to the magazine rack. I've stopped buying magazines religiously for quite a while now. I figured I can always read them at the cafe or the hair salon, magazines unlike books have no retaining value for me.

Since I last had a relaxing dinner and wine out with friends

Went to a birthday dinner today. Had some chi-zha at Jalan Besar and them adjourned to Dempsey Road for some good wine.

It was nice and fun, and I had lots of fun!

Feeling a little tipsy from the wine. I think I will get offline, turn on some jazz and browse through my magazine before bed time!

Sounds like a plan! :)


Zen Neeon

While shopping on Sunday, I finally laid my eyes on the real Neeon. It is so sleek, a lot more than what I was expecting when I first chanced upon it on the website.

Pretty funny how it took me so long to go see the real thing. Hah

I am starting to look at online reviews (eg this) on the Neeon and comparing it to Apple IPOD mini.. You see I am doing my KYC and due diligence checks.. (heh, work hazzard.. oops)

*KYC - Know Your Client (more like "KYM" Know Your MP3 here..) :D


There was certainly better vibes today than that last one.

Well, it feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable because I went there with no expectation; hence no unnecessary stress or burden.

Well, we'll see where God leads the way. Afterall He knows best.

Some beer contest

I was in a cab this morning and chanced upon an advertisement on a taxi next to the lane I was on.

There is some contest going around, where a lucky winner will walk away with an experience of having private jet for 7 days, and travel round the world with 7 friends.

That's pretty cool I reckon and because I was bored, I formulated names of people I would take along if I win that contest (a big if cause I won't drink enough beer to win the contest.. heh)

1) My bf (just because my world is a happier one with him around)
2) Tingfang (Someone I look upon as a Dajie figure)
3) Ren (my fellow Ah lian friend)
4) Pam (another Ah lian.. enuff said..)
5) Leroy (my Jedi knight #1)
6) Jason (Jedi knight #2)
7) Jac (because she's sincere and nice)


I have an exam in 3 weeks time! Arghhhhhhhhhh

Found out on Saturday's lesson. Well, its not a certification exam but a school one where you can gauge your progress. And its not compulsory to take it, but if you do you take away a nice looking certificate with your progress marks.

I have 2 already and both reads tres bien (which is 80-89%)

I better start preparing myself for the exam. Would be nice to get a tres bien again, or better still excellente.

I am still working hard towards my goal of attaining a diploma in French as a foreign language (DELF / DALF certifications)

Time to start doing up the study timetables! Discipline Discipline!!