C'est la vie: A new week

Monday, June 27, 2005

A new week

I am doing the 5-2 am shift for the next three weeks at work. Was doing 1-10 pm shift for the past 3 weeks.

What a luxury it was to be able to get out of bed at 12 noon today! And not having to rush and dash out of the house for work, like I always do for the earlier shift.

Ok things to do before heading to work today.

1) Write cheques for the bills
2) Have lunch
3) Do some banking errands

And to adhere to my new year resolution to save more, I am limiting my expenses to cash transactions for the next 4 weeks till pay day. That is, no using of credit cards.. afterall those are future money and it makes managing my expenses and budget a big harder when I don't actually see the cash going out. And one thing I realise about myself is I tend to go shopping less when I am using cash. It would take a lot more for me to purchase stuff if I have to use cash - somehow it just seem easier to put items on the credit cards! Funny but true.

I have a target amount of savings I wanna attain end this year so yeah, cash and nets it shall be!! :)


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