Sometimes I wonder about the big "A" word.
Affirmation.How does one affirm one's love?
As a Christian, I believe that God demonstrated his utmost love for us by the death of Christ so that all may be saved and redeemed.
Indeed, no greater love is demonstrated than for someone willing to lay his/her life for thee.
Will you die for a loved one? Will you die for a worthy cause?
Well, I don't wanna be a hypocrite to be quick in saying I would, I would. Cause truth is, I don't think I will. I would be lying through my teeth if I tell you I would gladly lay down my life for anyone, for anything.
Will I? Maybe, I don't know.
Relationships amongst us human beings. How does the affirmation thing work?
My mother doesn't need to tell me verbally that she loves me, for me to show she truly does. She shows her love by the way she fusses about my life, my well being and my health. She makes sure I eat properly, have clean clothes and a spanky clean room. She even nags at times. Well yeah, if you think about it - nagging is a form of love. Nobody bothers to nag at those they care not for, really. Truth is, you would hardly even bother to care, let alone nag.
I know of people who seeks affirmation of love by means of material satisfaction. "If you love me, you would buy this for me".. To them, the more things you give them, the more convinced they are of your love and devotion to them. They need to see material stuff. I am not implying that these people are materialistic, its more of a "I need to feel your love" in the literal sense. Love manifests itself in material goods, i.e "He must really love me cause he bought me a really expensive branded bag I've been eyeing for... "
And there are those who yearns for different displays of affection through a very scarce resource of today.. T.I.M.E
Whilst money can satisfy most our wants/needs, who wouldn't like time spent with loved and cherished ones?
Would you be truly happy if you have all the money in the world and no time with your loved ones?
I know I wouldn't.
In a way, I am a very time person. Undeniably, I have my material wants list but nothing beats having the luxury of time with loved ones. Its very sad that as we get older, our bank account grows fatter yet our time bank diminishes correspondingly.
Time and money - must it always be a trade off?
On a totally different note, I finally have the complete set of the Hello Kitty Magnets from 7-11!!! Most of it were given by my colleagues, I only bought like 5 out of the 31.. (1974-2004)
:D And I need to let you know I am really not a Hello Kitty Fan.. seriously!!
Funniest part.. the last piece to complete the whole collection was 1977.
"Dear, guess what!!? I complete the whole set!!"
"Wanna guess which year is the last piece"
"Erm.. don't know.. "
"Guess lah, its a very important year"
"No.. it starts from 1974 to 2004"
"Ahhhh... 1977!!"
"Eh, how come you so smart??!"
"Cause its my birthyear, and I complete you the same way 1977 completes your set... "
"..............."Ooh, I know this has been a long entry. But I just have to say this last thing.
I was on my way back from work. And on the expressway, I saw this car with a plate no "SZ3E"
Very old car plate number.. then I got very tickled and amused thinking how superbly funny it would be if was .... "SZ1E" (y'know a spinoff of size??)
Not funny? Me reckon so. I am weird at times, I swear.