C'est la vie: Feeling (un)settled

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Feeling (un)settled

Isn't it funny how a sad song can sound surprisingly chirpy and happy, no matter how hard you try to sprinkle and pepper it with lots of blue soul?

Went to the karaoke with the mates yesterday and nevermind that we couldn't really hit the notes half the time and we had some misunderstanding with the staff there. There were lots of laughter and bantering, as usual. What to expect with my two brothers L & J around.. ah those two jokers! And it was fun and nice to see Jac enjoying herself too! All clean and good fun :)

But half the time, I was beaming from ear to ear and I made the sad sappy songs sound like some hilarious tunes :D Even the guys noticed I had a spring in my step and I was all smiley and cheesy! And they said the hair is nice!! Ok photos soon, I promise!!

Hmm.. I have something to confess..

I am going out with KK officially.
So, I guess it means I am now attached.

Day number 2, today!

He makes me smile and he warms my heart, and that's more important to me than what any materialistic goods would bring. I feel settled and loved when I am with him. And no the whole world does not sink into oblivion when we are together, but the world does feel like a better place with him around!

Actually I didn't really plan to get a boyfriend. I was almost starting to forget what it meant to like (love) and be liked (loved), in a romantic relationship. I was happy on my own, being single and doing my own things. I was devoted to my career - on a one-track mind.

And now? No, I won't give up doing my own thing now that I am in a relationship. I figured it is very important that couples don't revolve the entire universe around each other. Sometimes time out from each other is very essential and important. Guess I am very thankful despite working in the same bank, we aren't in the same department. Just imagine how sick we would be of each other, if that was the case! :)

That being said, it is still at the early stage of the relationship, we'll just take one baby step at a time! My last relationship left me pretty shaken up and I am honestly scared... Yet, I am also feeling excited about this relationship with KK..

I guess that's normal?

Update - striking the SATC off the checklist. KK bought them for me today :) Can't wait to start SATC-ing! :D


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