C'est la vie: My God, my dentist

Thursday, September 23, 2004

My God, my dentist

Since young, I've been terrified of going to the dentist. If I had it my way, I will not ever step into the dental clinic. Ever noticed how traumatised some people look when they come out from the dentist's? I was one of them.

In my impressionable young mind back then, dentists are the most menancing persona decked in white robe, armed with the mandate to torture kids under the pretext of oral health. They will drill holes in my teeth, polish, extract those precious teeth and make me gurgle water over and over again. They will chide me for the cavities they find in my teeth, and questioned if I have been having too many candies. They will nag at me to floss and brush my teeth at least twice a day. They.. are simply evil! How I loathe them back then!

As I grow older, despite my professed detest for the teeth police donned in white, I've been diligent in my dental visits. Two years ago, I even had braces put on. And now, I am still on retainers. Heh.

Anyway just this morning, A friend of mine messaged me that he's suffering great pain, having just extracted his wisdom tooth. I totally understand what he's going through, having extracted all 4 wisdom teeth myself. That pain is simply excruciating.

After work, I was taking a leisurely walk to the bus stop. Wasn't thinking particularly about anything, but something hit me and I was flabbergasted..

God is like my dentist. He knows the cavities I have. He knows they need to be dealt with. And when the tooth becomes too decayed to be treated or scaled, He knows it needs to be extracted against my will. True, I wish I don't have to go through it, but God knows better. Sure the extraction hurts but in the long run, I will suffer less agony.

Have you let God examine the cavities in your life recently? I know I need to let Him to.

I've been really down the past 2 days because of the ex. Tears I thought that were dried up, came rolling down again. I felt really miserable.

Isn't it funny how weird a sense of humour God has? I've been praying for guidance and wisdom to deal with this; and its a tad strange that He would use this to remind me to let Him take charge of the ex, the cavity in my life.


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