C'est la vie: November 2005

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I wonder

2 weeks ago, in the middle of the dark night, a couple of us drove down to my friend's new place which was still under renovation. He had recently gotten married and is eagerly awaiting to move into his new love nest.

And just today I was blog/LJ hopping and chanced upon a friend's LJ with lovely photos of her new home!

Simply gorgeous! Snazzy and clean looking!

So broadly categorised, there are two groups of people when it comes to their choice of post-marriage lodging. Move out (couple-life) or continue to stay with their folks.

Frankly, I am all for the idea of the former. I have nothing against staying with in-laws or parents, but I seriously think it'll definitely be a lot more cosier living on our own.

C'mon, crudely put, would you want your folks to hear your bedroom activities?! How about wanting to invite friends over to chill out but hesitate because you have to consider if it would inconvenient others residents of the same house? Or imagine how uncomfy it would be if you just want to laze around in the house in cool (read, scantily dressed) attire and you couldn't possibly do so, because there are other people around. Sure we may all be family, but there are still certain protocol to observe nevertheless.

For that same reason, I never liked the idea of having a maid. It feels just plain awfully weird having an outsider/ outside person around in the house, which should be a haven and sanctuary for rest after a hard day at work. Its ridiculous to come home and not being able to feel truly at home and relaxed.

Thankfully, my mum wouldn't want to stay with me the moment I become a Mrs. She had her fair share of unpleasantries with my grandma (Dad's side, her mother-in-law) and she always tell us her daughters that living with the in-laws is far more complex than anything!

Haha! Ditto that mum!

Of course getting married and moving out to stay on your own does not equate to severing all ties and relations with your folks. There are still the responsbility and filial piety one needs to uphold toward one's folks. But moving out doesn't mean one's shrinking away from these. It really doesn't equate to "I can't stand you so I am moving out".

Win-win situation?

Buy a huge kickass bighouse for everyone to stay so everyone gets their own personal space? Sure, that would be nice provided you have the vitamin M aka $$.

Move out but stay nearby? When aid is required, you are just a short walk/drive away. Afterall, how far is it to travel from one end of Singapore to the other?

What say you? Move out or live with the folks?

(and no, I am not getting married yet but I am curious about how people view this issue)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Pigs are flying

Would someone like to give me a pat on the shoulder?


I am very disciplined today, I tell ya. I got home about 9pm earlier. Had my dinner cooked my mommy dearest, watched 30 mins of telly, took a quick shower and talked to my mum a bit.

And after that? Instead of plonking right in front of my laptop surfing away, I took all my French textbooks and sat my fat arse (yes it is!) on the dining table! Spent a good hour working on my homework and did some revision.

Now is that discipline or what?! ;)


Was informed today by my manager that I have been given more responsibilities at work and she wants me to represent our unit in an inter-dept focus group driving process changes discussion and stuff.

I'm pretty excited about it! Thrilled about the challenges ahead!!

I remembered I told her in my interview that I love to take on challenges and methinks she remembers that oh-so-clearly!

Ok bed calls. Night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Signing away

Ha! Because the conference rooms are all fully booked till next week, I now have 1 more week to prepare for my training presentation.

Am not complaining on that for sure! :D Woohoo! yay!!

Just finished my dreaded monthly routine. Consolidating my charge slips and writing cheques to pay off credit card and utility bills.

Ok its not too bad. Damage done is manageable and I don't have to live on bread / porridge with soya sauce for the rest of the month! Hee! Nah, never had to do that lah! ;)

Monday, November 21, 2005

Work-ified Shaz

Acks. Its Monday and already I am feeling knackered and slightly worn out.

I am giving a training presentation this Thursday / Friday and I'm feeling a little excited about it. Well, this is definitely not the first time I am giving a presentation but this being the first in the new workplace, kinda shakes things up a little for me.

Y'know, its that "I want to give good first impression" kinda anxiety that is kicking in.

Was preparing my handouts and training materials before I decided I needed a break from work. So here I am rattling on my blog! :)

The weather feels really chilly now, good for diving straight into bed. I'm contemplating if I should turn on the air con, hardly makes sense especially when its windy and all.. but when you are staying near the main road, you really want to shut the windows and keep the road noise pollution away.

Ok I shall turn on the aircon, 5 mins before bedtime. I shall conserve the electricity!

Met an old jc friend Sam for lunch today. He just started work recently and his workplace is near mine. So guess we'll be lunch khakis! :) Man, I haven't seen this dude for almost 2 years and how he ballooned! Heehee! I was poking fun at him throughout lunch. He was sticks in JC days and 8 years down the road, he's gone from a stick to a marshmellow!! Eeps.

I'm really sleepy now.

But I should endeavour to put in another 30 mins of work and call it a night.

Its an early start again tomorrow. Work work work.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ce n'est pas facile mais Je crois je peux

I haven't spoken much about my new job lately. Well, I'm enjoying it thus far and I am excited about the new tasks ahead. So far, so good lah.

I'm still sleeping and eating well. In fact, I think I've gained some pounds! Acks.

I'm now a G2000 size 5, upsized from the usual sizeI used to wear. Ok, its not too bad, cause I used to yoyo between the size 3 and 5.. and size 5 is still relatively small.

But the horror of all horrors!! I can no longer fit into my slim jeans any longer! You see, I have 3 pairs of jeans: namely slim jeans, fat jeans and "pui pui" jeans, the last pair of jeans was bought when I was at my heaviest. Drats! Now I have to forsake the slim jeans and squeeze my fatty bombom into the fat jeans. I fear the day when fat jeans no longer fits and "pui pui" jeans gloatingly invites me...

How how how?? :(

Then again, how to resist all the goodies and food galore? Cannot.
But I can start moving my fat arse and start working out in the gym!! Hee :)

Il ne va pas être facile mais je crois que je peux le faire! Send some vibes of self discipline over!
(Its not going to be easy but I believe I can do it!)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ce serait sympa..

Peut-être parfois, ce serait agréable et sympa si vous pourriez écouter aussi.. parce qu'il y aura un jour quand je serai fatiguée d'écouter et je veux parler plutôt..

Je ne sais pas quand, alors.

Je me manque comment nous pouvons parler jusqu'à ce que les vaches rentrent, tu sais?

Cétait drôle.

**edited with translation**

Maybe sometimes, it will be pleasant and nice if you could listen also.. because there will be a day when I will be tired to listen and I want to talk instead.

I don't know why, then.

I miss how we can talk till the cows come home, you know.

It was funny.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Missing Sydney

A friend just came back from holidaying in Sydney. She was happily recounting the places she visited, the sights she saw and the food she had... all that is sure making me miss my Sydney days a great deal!

Sydney Sydney..

Apart from finishing my bachelor's degree there, what other memories (both lovely and terrible ones) do that lovely place hold for me?

1- I put on 5kg in my semester there, effectively putting me at my heaviest ever
2- Met boyfriend #1 there
3- Met boyfriend #2 there
4- The scrabble plus latte sessions I had with my friend on the library lawn
5- Late night drives to coffee places with friends
6- All wrapped up like a dumpling on those cold winter nights, I like!
7- The guys' visit to Sydney after their NS ORD, and how we all cramped in my small room
8- Dominique, my fave canadian! :) but the super messy housemate
9- SSA (Singapore Student Association) parties - ok decadent I know..
10- Going for Sunday service at the Hillsongs church

I could only hope my travel plans to visit Sydney next winter will materialise... I can't wait to catch up with old friends and visit those familiar places!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Pammy Whammy!

Sorry for the lack of updates.

I've been really busy juggling work and French; and time seems to zoom by real quick! Last week was a real funny week, with 2 public holidays wedged in between - Tues / Thursday. Would have been nicer if they came hand in hand instead. It feels crap trying to come to terms with "3 Mondays" in week!!

Something good came out of the wedged holidays though... :) I managed to meet up with Pam the whammy aka the ham for coffee and some shopping on Thursday.

Here's a photo I took of her.. (cropped her face away cause I don't want people flooding me with messages about her... heh ;P well more of a respect of her privacy.)
Renxiaojie, check out what's daggling on Pam's ears! :D

Oooh oooh! Has anyone seen that latest "Put the lime in the Coke" ad on Tv? Wahaha its super hilarious! I had that tune stuck in my head the whole weekend and the bf & I just went crazy singing it over and over again!
